www.muppix.co explore directories [begin end last days minutes size greater]v
www.muppix.co explore filenames [begin end filename hidden myextension last days minutes size greater 2K 2M]
select lines with 'mytext' in files [filename begin end ignore case number aswell mysecondtext]
select line with 'mytext' [begin end before after aswell or mysecondtext mythirdtext word ignore case]
select a section of lines [lines above below mytext after blankline between mysecondtext]
delete lines [begin end above below duplicate blanklines]
delete 'mytext' in the line [begin end before after between number second mychar mydelimiter word occurrence]
www.muppix.co select / delete columns [ mytext begin end second or delete mychar mydelimiter split]
research: select lines with 'mytext' and also lines above or below
numbers or values [greater smaller equals number end begin second column delete]
replace or convert text [mysecondtext beginning ignore case mythirdtext begin end line mychar duplicate space list]
Muppix provides innovative solutions and Training to make sense of large scale data.
SELECT * FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases | names & sizes of all connected hard-drives on this version of linux. TIP: goto using these harddrive names |
DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX)= '';SELECT @SQL = @SQL +'SELECT ''' +t1.name + ''' AS DatabaseName,t.name AS TableName, t2.name AS ColumnName, t.modify_date FROM ' +t1.name +'.sys.tables t INNER JOIN ' +t1.name + '.sys.columns t2 ON t2.object_id = t.object_id WHERE t.name LIKE ''%mytable%'' UNION ALL ' FROM sys.databases t1 WHERE t1.name IN('mydatabase') ; SET @SQL =left(@SQL, LEN(@SQL) - 10); EXEC sp_executesql @SQL | select every directory & subdirectory with 'mydir' somewhere (in between ) in its name , include the times last saved and access, ignore case |
SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME ,TABLE_CATALOG FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME LIKE '%mytable%' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME | select every directory & subdirectory with 'mydir' somewhere (in between ) in its name , include the times last saved and access, ignore case |
DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX)= '';SELECT @SQL = @SQL +'SELECT ''' +t1.name + ''' AS DatabaseName,t.name AS TableName, t2.name AS ColumnName, t.modify_date FROM ' +t1.name +'.sys.tables t INNER JOIN ' +t1.name + '.sys.columns t2 ON t2.object_id = t.object_id WHERE t2.name LIKE ''%mycolumn%'' UNION ALL ' FROM sys.databases t1 WHERE t1.name IN('mydatabase'); SET @SQL =left(@SQL, LEN(@SQL) - 10); EXEC sp_executesql @SQL | select all databases & tables / directory & subdirectory with 'mycolumn' somewhere (in between ) in its column name (ignore case) |
DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(max) = '';SELECT @SQL = @SQL + 'select ''' + name + ''' AS DBname, * FROM [' + name + '].sys.tables union all ' FROM sys.databases; SET @SQL = STUFF(@SQL, len(@SQL) - 9, 11, '');EXEC sp_executesql @SQL -- oct2022 | select all databases, tables / directory & subdirectory , all columns |
SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME ,TABLE_CATALOG FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME LIKE 'mytable%' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME | select every directory & subdirectory beginning with 'mydir' , include the saved times and access |
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable 'exec sp_spaceused [?]' | sort by size each directory (mydir) and subdirectory ie: you've run out of space & need to delete stuff (try doing that in Windows..) |
DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) = '';SELECT @SQL =@SQL + 'SELECT ''' + t1.name + ''' AS DatabaseName, t.name AS TableName, t2.name AS ColumnName, t.modify_date FROM ' + t1.name + '.sys.tables t INNER JOIN ' + t1.name + '.sys.columns t2 ON t2.object_id = t.object_id WHERE t2.name LIKE ''%mycolumn%'' AND t.modify_date >DATEADD(day, -200, GETDATE()) UNION ALL ' FROM sys.databases t1 WHERE t1.name IN('mydatabase');SET @SQL =left(@SQL, LEN(@SQL) - 10);EXEC sp_executesql @SQL | select directory and subdirectory (mydir) with files saved in last 2 days, include size, saved dates |
SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE modify_date >= DATEADD(day, -2, GETDATE()) ORDER BY modify_date DESC | select directory and subdirectory (mydir) with files saved in last 2 days, include size, saved dates |
SELECT t1.name AS mycolumns,t2.name AS mytables ,t2.modify_date FROM sys.columns t1 JOIN sys.tables t2 ON t1.object_id = t2.object_id WHERE t2.Modify_date >= DATEADD(day, -2, GETDATE()) ORDER BY mytables,mycolumns, t2.modify_date | select directory created in last 2 days, (begin character on column 3 is "d") include size, saved dates |
SELECT * FROM mydatabase.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS | select all filenames (include size/date information) in subdirectory. TIP: to just show the filesnames, also add this at end: | cut -d'.' -f2- |
SELECT * FROM [BXT00001\mydir].[mydatabase].[dbo].[mytable] -- from another server | selects all files names from all subdirectory |
SET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @mytmp TABLE (tablename VARCHAR(255), rowcounts BIGINT, reserved VARCHAR(255), data_size VARCHAR(255), index_size VARCHAR(255), unused VARCHAR(255)); DECLARE @cmd1 VARCHAR(255);SET @cmd1 = 'exec sp_spaceused ''?'''; INSERT INTO @mytmp (tablename,rowcounts,reserved,data_size,index_size,unused) EXEC sp_msforeachtable @command1=@cmd1; SELECT * FROM @mytmp ORDER BY CONVERT(BIGINT,REPLACE(data_size,'KB','')) DESC | select files in subdirectory, sorted by size |
SELECT s.name AS ColumnName,t.name AS TableName FROM sys.columns s JOIN sys.tables t ON s.object_id = t.object_id WHERE s.name LIKE '%mycolumn%' | select filenames with '' in between/somewhere in the filename (include size/date & subdirectory/path information) in all sub directory. ignore case |
SET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @mytmp TABLE (tablename VARCHAR(255), rowcounts BIGINT, reserved VARCHAR(255), data_size VARCHAR(255), index_size VARCHAR(255), unused VARCHAR(255)); DECLARE @cmd1 VARCHAR(255);SET @cmd1 = 'exec sp_spaceused ''?'''; INSERT INTO @mytmp (tablename,rowcounts,reserved,data_size,index_size,unused) EXEC sp_msforeachtable @command1=@cmd1; SELECT * FROM @mytmp WHERE CONVERT(BIGINT,REPLACE(data_size,'KB','')) BETWEEN 2 AND 2000 | select files in all subdirectory , size between 2K & 2Mb. Each k is 1024 bytes, include sizes, saved date, path |
SELECT t1.name AS mytables ,t2.name AS mycolumns, t1.modify_Date AS Modified FROM sys.columns t2 JOIN sys.tables t1 ON t2.object_id = t1.object_id WHERE t1.Modify_date >= DATEADD(day, -2,GETDATE()) ORDER BY mytables,mycolumns, t1.modify_Date | files in subdirectory saved in last 2 days |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn IN ('mytext', 'mysecondtext','mythirdtext') | select lines with 'mytext' or 'mysecondtext' or 'mythirdtext', ignore case, in every directory |
SELECT t1.*,t2.* FROM mytable t1 JOIN mysecondtable t2 ON t1.mycolumn=t2.mycolumn | select lines from a list of text/words in the file mylist.txt, (mytext or mysecondtext or thirdtext etc) all subdirectory from here on, ignore case TIP:on a Windows PC, ensure you run dos2unix dos2unix on mylist.txt! |
import CSV into mytable |
SELECT mycolumn FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn LIKE '%mytext%' | select if 'mytext' is anywhere on the line |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn='mytext' | select lines with 'mytext' ignore case. ie: could match MytEXT mytext or MYTEXT etc |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE (mycolumn LIKE '%mytext%') AND (mycolumn LIKE '%mysecondtext%') | select line with both 'mytext' aswell as 'mysecondtext' in any order on the line |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE (LOWER(mycolumn) =LOWER('mytext')) AND (LOWER(mysecondcolumn) = LOWER( 'mysecondtext')) | select line with 'mytext' aswell as 'mysecondtext' on the line (ignore case) |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE (mycolumn = 'mytext') AND (mycolumn = 'mysecondtext') AND (mycolumn = 'mythirdtext') | select line with 'mytext' aswell as 'mysecondtext' aswell as 'mythirdtext' in any order (ignore case) |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE 0 < COALESCE( NULLIF( PATINDEX( '%mytext%', mycolumn),0), NULLIF( PATINDEX( '%mysecondtext%' ,mycolumn) ,0)) | select either 'mytext' or 'mysecondtext' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE 0 < COALESCE( NULLIF( PATINDEX( '%mytext%' ,mycolumn),0) ,NULLIF( PATINDEX( '%mysecondtext%' ,mycolumn),0) ,PATINDEX( '%mythirdtext%' ,mycolumn)) | select line with 'mytext' or 'mysecondtext' or 'mythirdtext', ignore case |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE 0 < COALESCE( NULLIF( PATINDEX( '%mytext%' ,mycolumn),0) ,NULLIF( PATINDEX( '%mysecondtext%' ,mycolumn),0) ,PATINDEX( '%mythirdtext%' ,mycolumn)) | select lines with 'mytext' or 'mysecondtext' or 'mythirdtext' |
SELECT t1.*,t2.* FROM mytable t1 JOIN mysecondtable t2 ON t1.mycolumn=t2.mycolumn | select any of the texts in the file mylist.txt 'mytext' or 'mysecondtext' or 'mythirdtext' etc TIP: in Windows ensure you run dos2unix on mylist.txt, so Linux can read it |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn LIKE 'mytext%' | select line that begin with 'mytext' TIP:may first want to ensure there are no leading spaces |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn LIKE 'mytext[A-D]%' | select line that begin with (range) 'mytextA' or 'mytextB' or 'mytextC' or 'mytextD' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn LIKE '%mytext' | select line ending with 'mytext' |
select line ending with 'mytext' | |
select all punctuation characters (punctuation chars) | |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn LIKE '[A-D]%' | select line that begin with character 'A','B','C' or 'D' (range) |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn NOT LIKE '[A-D]%' | delete line that begin with character 'A','B','C' or 'D' (range) |
SELECT mycolumn FROM mytable WHERE LEFT( mycolumn, CHARINDEX( 'mysecondtext' , mycolumn)) LIKE '%mytext%' | select line where 'mytext' is before 'mysecondtext', 'mysecondtext' after 'mytext' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE LEN(REPLACE( mycolumn, 'mytext','?'))- LEN(REPLACE( mycolumn, 'text',''))>=2 | select line where 'mytext' appears twice or more often - second occurrence |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE (mycolumn+' ') LIKE '%mytext %' | select line with word/column ending in 'mytext'. ie: find words/columns ending in 'ion' 'ing' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE SUBSTRING( mycolumn, LEN( 'mytext')+ CHARINDEX( 'mytext' , mycolumn) ,9999) LIKE '%mytext%' | select line if 'mytext' appears atleast twice duplicated - also for a second time on each line |
SELECT TOP (SELECT TOP 1 myrow FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS myrow,* FROM mytable) X WHERE mycolumn LIKE '%mytext%') * FROM mytable | select beginning lines above 'mytext', delete lines below 'mytext' |
SELECT * FROM (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS myrow FROM mytable) Y WHERE myrow>(SELECT TOP 1 myrow FROM (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS myrow FROM mytable) X WHERE mycolumn LIKE '%mytext%') | select lines below 'mytext' to end of file, including 'mytext'. delete beginning lines above 'mytext' |
SELECT * FROM (SELECT Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS myrow,* FROM mytable) AS t1 WHERE t1.myrow BETWEEN 2 AND 20 | select section lines between second (fixed) line to line 20 (fixed) ie: cat -n |awk 'NR>=2&&NR<=20' |
SELECT * FROM (SELECT Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS myrow, * FROM mytable) AS t1 WHERE t1.myrow BETWEEN (SELECT TOP 1 myrow FROM (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS myrow FROM mytable) X WHERE mycolumn LIKE '%mytext%') AND (SELECT TOP 1 myrow FROM (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS myrow FROM mytable) X WHERE mycolumn LIKE '%mysecondtext%') | select section of lines between / below 'mytext' and 'mysecondtext' |
TRUNCATE TABLE mytable | empty-out entire contents/delete all lines in .txt |
IF OBJECT_ID('mytable', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE mytable | empty-out entire contents/delete mytable |
SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY mycolumn) AS myrow, * FROM mytable ) X WHERE myrow >1 | delete just the beginning (fixed) line, select below beginning line |
SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY mycolumn) AS myrow, * FROM mytable ) X WHERE myrow < (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable)-1 | delete just the end (fixed) line, select lines above |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE NOT mycolumn LIKE '%mytext%' | delete line if 'mytext' is somewhere on the line (ignore case) TIP: first dble check which line will be deleted by running: fgrep -i 'mytext' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE NOT mycolumn LIKE 'mytext%' | delete lines that begin with 'mytext' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE NOT mycolumn LIKE '%mytext' | delete lines that end with 'mytext' |
DELETE FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn = 'mytext' OR mycolumn= 'mysecondtext' | delete lines with 'mytext' or 'mysecondtext' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE NOT mycolumn ='mytext' OR mycolumn ='mysecondtext' | delete line with 'mytext' or 'mysecondtext' anywhere on the line (ignore case) |
SELECT t1.*,t2.* FROM mytable t1 FULL OUTER JOIN mysecondtable t2 ON t1.mycolumn =t2.mycolumn WHERE t1.mycolumn IS NULL | delete lines if any of the texts in the file mylist.txt are found, 'mytext' etc TIP: in Windows ensure you run dos2unix on mylist.txt |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE NOT (mycolumn ='mytext' AND mysecondcolumn ='mysecondtext') | delete line with 'mytext' aswell 'mysecondtext' anywhere on the line |
SELECT mycolumn FROM mytable WHERE NOT LEFT( mycolumn, CHARINDEX( 'mysecondtext' , mycolumn)) LIKE '%mytext%' | delete lines with 'mytext' before 'mysecondtext' ('mysecondtext' after 'mytext' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(mycolumn,'')))<>'' | truly delete blanklines which may have some spaces or tabs or no spaces at all |
SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY mycolumn,mysecondcolumn ,mythirdcolumn ORDER BY mycolumn ,mysecondcolumn ,mythirdcolumn) AS myrowno FROM mytable )X WHERE myrowno =1 | sort & delete duplicate lines (dont maintain the original order & is a lot faster) |
;WITH mytmp AS (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY mycolumn ,mysecondcolumn ,mythirdcolumn ORDER BY mycolumn ,mysecondcolumn ,mythirdcolumn ASC) AS myrow FROM mytable) SELECT * FROM mytmp WHERE myrow=1 | sort & delete duplicate lines (dont maintain the original order & is a lot faster) |
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY mycolumn,mysecondcolumn ) AS mynewcol FROM mytable ) X WHERE mynewcol >1 | select only the duplicate lines, ie: those lines that occur twice or more |
;WITH mytmp AS (SELECT *,COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY mycolumn ,mysecondcolumn ) AS myrow FROM mytable) SELECT * FROM mytmp WHERE myrow>1 | select only the duplicate lines, ie: those lines that occur twice or more |
SELECT mycolumn,mysecondcolumn ,COUNT(*) FROM mytable GROUP BY mycolumn, mysecondcolumn HAVING COUNT(*)>1 -- but limited to these flds only | select only the duplicate lines, ie: those lines that occur twice or more |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE (mycolumn IN (SELECT mycolumn FROM mytable GROUP BY mycolumn HAVING COUNT(*)>1 )) -- select all colums | select only the duplicate lines, ie: those lines that occur twice or more |
SELECT mycolumn ,mysecondcolumn ,mythirdcolumn FROM mytable GROUP BY mycolumn ,mysecondcolumn ,mythirdcolumn | delete duplicate lines, but maintain the original order ( without sorting) select begin occurrence of each line |
SELECT mysecondcolumn FROM mytable GROUP BY mysecondcolumn | delete duplicate lines, based on duplicates in second column only, select begin occurrence of 2nd column,preserve order of lines |
SELECT * FROM(SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY mycolumn) AS myrow,* FROM mytable) X WHERE myrow > 2 | delete the (fixed) beginning and second lines, select lines below second line, to the end line |
SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY mycolumn) AS myrow, * FROM mytable ) X WHERE myrow NOT BETWEEN 2 AND 8 | delete between second line to eigth line : (fixed) lines 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
SELECT * FROM(SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY mycolumn) AS myrow,* FROM mytable) X WHERE myrow <(SELECT COUNT(*)-2 FROM mytable) | delete second (fixed) lines from end |
SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS myrow,* FROM mytable) X WHERE myrow <(SELECT COUNT(*)-3 FROM mytable) | delete the end (fixed) 3 lines, including second line, select lines above the end 3 lines |
SELECT mycolumn,mysecondcolumn, COUNT(*) FROM mytable GROUP BY mycolumn ,mysecondcolumn HAVING COUNT(*) >1 | how many/occurrence of duplicate lines - pivot table |
SELECT REPLACE(mycolumn,'mytext','') FROM mytable | delete 'mytext' on the line if found |
ALTER TABLE mytable DROP COLUMN mysecondcolumn -- may need to ALTER TABLE mytable DROP CONTRAINT [DF__mytable__mycol__1 (fill this in !)] | delete second column / word (delimiter is spaces by default) |
SELECT LEFT( mycolumn, CHARINDEX( 'mytext', mycolumn + 'mytext')-1 ) FROM mytable | select everything before 'mytext' on the line, (delete 'mytext' & everything after) |
SELECT mycolumn, SUBSTRING( mycolumn, CHARINDEX('mytext',mycolumn) ,9999 ) FROM mytable | delete everything before 'mytext' on the line, (select text after 'mytext') |
SELECT REVERSE( SUBSTRING( REVERSE( ' '+ mycolumn) ,CHARINDEX( ' ',REVERSE( ' '+ mycolumn)) ,999)) FROM mytable | delete end word / end column |
SELECT REVERSE( SUBSTRING( REVERSE( ',' +mycolumn) ,CHARINDEX( ',', REVERSE( ',' +mycolumn)) ,999)) FROM mytable | delete end word / end column with comma ',' as mydelimiter |
SELECT SUBSTRING(mycolumn, 2+1,999) FROM mytable | delete beginning and second characters (fixed)(delete before 3rd & select after second characters) |
SELECT IIF(mycolumn='','',LEFT(mycolumn,LEN(mycolumn)-1)) FROM mytable | delete end character (fixed) on each line |
SELECT LEFT( mycolumn,CASE WHEN 0 > LEN( mycolumn) -2 THEN 0 ELSE LEN( mycolumn) -2 END) FROM mytable | delete the end 2 (fixed) characters on each line. (end & second from end character) |
SELECT SUBSTRING( mycolumn ,PATINDEX( '% %' ,mycolumn +' ') ,999) FROM mytable | delete beginning word / column |
SELECT LTRIM(mycolumn) FROM mytable | left align /justify, delete beginning/leading spaces and or tabs on each line |
SELECT REPLACE(LTRIM(REPLACE(mycolumn ,'0',' ')),' ','0') FROM mytable | delete begin / leading zero/ mychar |
SELECT REPLACE(RTRIM(REPLACE(mycolumn ,'0',' ')),' ','0') FROM mytable | delete ending / trailing zero/ mychar |
SELECT RTRIM(mycolumn) FROM mytable | delete spaces or tabs at end of each line. right align. also deletes extra spaces on blanklines |
SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(mycolumn)) FROM mytable | delete leading/beginning space aswell as ending/trailing spaces on the line(left align, trim ) |
SELECT *, SUBSTRING(LEFT( mycolumn, CHARINDEX('mysecondtext',mycolumn)-1),LEN('mytext') + CHARINDEX('mytext', mycolumn),999) AS mycol FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn LIKE '%mytext%' AND mycolumn LIKE '%mysecondtext%' | select text between 'mytext' and 'mysecondtext' on the line. delete before 'mytext' aswell as after 'mysecondtext', include mytext & mysecondtext |
SELECT *,LEFT(mycolumn,CHARINDEX('mytext',mycolumn)-1) + SUBSTRING(mycolumn,LEN('mysecondtext')+CHARINDEX('mysecondtext',mycolumn),999) AS mycol FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn LIKE '%mytext%' AND mycolumn LIKE '%mysecondtext%' | delete the text between 'mytext' and 'mysecondtext' |
SELECT CASE WHEN 0= COALESCE ( NULLIF( PATINDEX( '%mytext%' ,mycolumn ),0),0) THEN mycolumn ELSE '' END FROM mytable | delete words/columns anywhere on the line, with 'mytext' somewhere inside/between the word ie: will delete words such as 'allmytext' or 'mytexting' or 'mytext' |
SELECT RTRIM(LTRIM( REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( mycolumn ,' ','<>'),'><',''),'<>',' '))) FROM mytable | delete/ replace multiple/duplicate/consecutive spaces with single space/blank |
delete/ replace multiple/duplicate/consecutive spaces with single space/blank | |
SELECT REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( mycolumn,'a', '') ,'b','') ,'c' ,'') FROM mytable | delete all occurrence of any of these 3 single (mychar) character 'a','b' or 'c' (ie: also delete 'abc', dan' etc) delete multiple/duplicate characters |
DECLARE @mytabl TABLE (mycol varchar(50), myrow int, mystring varchar(MAX)) INSERT INTO @mytabl (mycol, myrow,mystring) SELECT t2.mycolumn AS mycol ,IIF(iter.pos=1,1,0) AS myrow ,IIF(ASCII(SUBSTRING(' '+t2.mycolumn+'|' ,iter.pos,1)) NOT BETWEEN 97 AND 122 ,SUBSTRING(' '+t2.mycolumn+ '|' ,iter.pos,1),' ') mystring FROM mytable t2,(SELECT id AS pos FROM T100) iter WHERE iter.pos <= 1+ LEN(t2.mycolumn) SELECT LEFT(STUFF((SELECT '' +[mystring] FROM @mytabl WHERE (mycol = t1.mycol) FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'') ,LEN(mycol)+1) AS mystrings ,t3.* FROM @mytabl t1 JOIN mytable t3 ON t3.mycolumn=t1.mycol WHERE myrow=1 | delete all lowercase characters on a line |
SELECT mycolumn FROM ( SELECT mytable.mycolumn, iter.pos, SUBSTRING(mytable.mycolumn,iter.pos,1) C, ASCII(SUBSTRING(mytable.mycolumn,iter.pos,1)) val FROM mytable, (SELECT id AS pos FROM T10 ) iter WHERE iter.pos <= LEN(mytable.mycolumn)) x GROUP BY mycolumn HAVING MIN(val) BETWEEN 48 AND 122 | delete non-printable punctuation characters |
GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnStripChars](@Res NVARCHAR(MAX), @Patrn VARCHAR(255)) RETURNS NVARCHAR(MAX)AS BEGIN SET @Patrn = '%['+@Patrn+']%' WHILE PatIndex(@Patrn, @Res)>0 SET @Res = Stuff(@Res, PatIndex(@Patrn, @Res), 1, '') RETURN @Res END GO SELECT dbo.fnStripChars(mycolumn, '^a-z0-9') FROM mytable | replace punctuation with space (delete all punctuation) |
SELECT REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( mycolumn ,'.',' ' ),'=','' ),'$',' '),'(',' ' ),')',' ') FROM mytable | replace punctuation with space (delete all punctuation) |
SELECT LEFT(SUBSTRING( mycolumn, PATINDEX('%[0-9.]%',mycolumn), LEN(mycolumn)) +'z', PATINDEX('%[^0-9.]%', SUBSTRING( mycolumn, PATINDEX('%[0-9.]%', mycolumn), LEN(mycolumn))+'z' )-1) FROM mytable | delete all text/characters, select only numbers |
DECLARE @mytabl TABLE (mycol varchar(50), myrow int, mynum varchar(MAX)) INSERT INTO @mytabl (mycol,myrow,mynum) SELECT t2.mycolumn AS mycol ,IIF(iter.pos=1,1,0) AS myrow ,IIF(SUBSTRING(' '+t2.mycolumn+'|' ,iter.pos,1) BETWEEN '0' AND '9' ,SUBSTRING(' '+t2.mycolumn+ '|' ,iter.pos,1),' ') mynum FROM mytable t2,(SELECT id AS pos FROM T100) iter WHERE iter.pos <= 1+ LEN(t2.mycolumn) SELECT LEFT(STUFF((SELECT '' +[mynum] FROM @mytabl WHERE (mycol = t1.mycol) FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'') ,LEN(mycol)+1) AS mynums ,t3.* FROM @mytabl t1 JOIN mytable t3 ON t3.mycolumn=t1.mycol WHERE myrow=1 | delete all text/characters, select numbers |
DECLARE @mytabl TABLE (mycol varchar(50), begins int, mystring varchar(MAX)) INSERT INTO @mytabl (mycol, begins,mystring) SELECT t2.mycolumn AS mycol ,IIF(iter.pos=1,1,0) AS begins ,IIF(SUBSTRING(' '+t2.mycolumn+'|' ,iter.pos,1) NOT BETWEEN '0' AND '9' ,SUBSTRING(' '+t2.mycolumn+ '|' ,iter.pos,1),' ') mystring FROM mytable t2,(SELECT id AS pos FROM T100) iter WHERE iter.pos <= 1+ LEN(t2.mycolumn) SELECT mycol ,LEFT(STUFF((SELECT '' +[mystring] FROM @mytabl WHERE (mycol = t1.mycol) FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'') ,LEN(mycol)+1) AS mystrings FROM @mytabl t1 WHERE begins=1 | delete all numbers, select all characters TIP: see section on [:digit:] for other groups of characters |
SELECT dbo.fnStripChars(mycolumn, '^0-9') FROM mytable | delete all text/characters, select only numbers |
delete all text/characters, select only numbers | |
SELECT (CASE WHEN mycolumn NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%' THEN mycolumn END)AS mynum1 ,TRY_PARSE(mycolumn AS INT) AS mynum2 ,IIF(1=ISNUMERIC(mycolumn),mycolumn,NULL) AS mynum3 FROM mytable | delete all text/characters, select numbers |
SELECT SUBSTRING( mycolumn,0 ,CHARINDEX( ' ',mycolumn+' ')) FROM mytable | select beginning column only |
SELECT COALESCE( mycolumn, mysecondcolumn ,mythirdcolumn) FROM mytable | select beginning word/column from 3 columns |
SELECT mycolumn,REPLACE(X.i.value('.','VARCHAR(50)'),'|','') AS mydata FROM ( SELECT mycolumn, CONVERT(XML,''+ REPLACE(mycolumn+' | | | | | | | | |' ,' ','')+'') AS mydata FROM mytable )X1 CROSS APPLY mydata.nodes('i[position()= 2 ]') AS X(i) | select second column |
SELECT LTRIM( RIGHT( mycolumn, CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE( ' ' +mycolumn)))) FROM mytable | select only the end column, delete all columns before the end column |
SELECT mycolumn,myendcolumn FROM mytable | select second column and end column |
SELECT LEFT(mycolumn,2-1)+SUBSTRING ( mycolumn ,1+8,999), * FROM mytable | delete between second (fixed) character and 8th character |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE LEFT( mycolumn ,LEN( 'mytext')) = 'mytext' | select line if begin column is 'mytext' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE RIGHT(mycolumn,LEN('mytext')) = 'mytext' | select line if end column is 'mytext' |
select line if end column is 'mytext' | |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn = 'mytext' | select line if second column is 'mytext' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn = 'mytext' | select line if second column is 'mytext', but column mydelimiter is '|' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn LIKE '%mytext%' OR mysecondcolumn LIKE '%mysecondtext%' OR mysecondcolumn LIKE '%mythirdtext%' | select whole line if 'mytext' or 'mysecondtext' or 'mythirdtext' is somewhere in the second column (wildcard) |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn LIKE 'mytext%' | select line if second column begins with 'mytext' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn LIKE '%mytext' | select line if second column ends with 'mytext' |
SELECT mycolumn ,mysecondcolumn ,mythirdcolumn FROM mytable WHERE (mysecondcolumn = 'mytext') | select column 1,2,3,4 if second column is 'mytext' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE SUBSTRING(mycolumn,2,6)='mytext' | select line if (fixed) character columns 2-7 is 'mytext' (from second character, for 6 characters , as length of mytext is 6 ) |
DELETE * FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn = 'mytext' | delete line if second column is 'mytext' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn NOT LIKE '[a-zA-Z0-9] | delete lines if second column not alphanumeric (range) |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn LIKE '[A-Z]%' | select line if second column begins with uppercase (range) character (mychar) |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn LIKE '[A-Z]' | select line if the entire second column is all uppercase |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn LIKE '[0-9]%' | select line if second column begins with 'mytext' or begins with a number [0-9] |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE NOT mysecondcolumn LIKE 'mytext%' | delete line if second column begins with 'mytext' |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE LEN(CAST(mysecondcolumn AS VARCHAR))>2 | if length of second column is greater 2 (or less) , select the line |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn LIKE '__%' | if length of mycolumn is more than 2 select line |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ISNULL(mysecondcolumn,'')='' | if length of second column is 0 / empty ( or less ) , select the line |
SELECT myeigthcolumn,mycolumn,mysecondcolumn FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn LIKE '%mytext' | select if 'mytext' is at the end of second column and select eigth , beginning aswell second columns |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE NOT SUBSTRING(mycolumn,2,6)='mytext' | delete lines if (fixed) character columns 2-7 is 'mytext' (from second character, for 6 characters , as length of mytext is 6 ) |
SELECT IIF(LEFT(mycolumn, LEN('mytext')) = 'mytext' , SUBSTRING(mycolumn ,1+LEN('mytext'),999) ,mycolumn ),* from mytable | delete 'mytext' if it is at the beginning of the line |
SELECT IIF(RIGHT(mycolumn, LEN('mytext')) = 'mytext' , LEFT(mycolumn ,LEN(mycolumn)-LEN('mytext')) ,mycolumn) ,* from mytable | delete 'mytext' if it is at the end of line |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE RIGHT(mycolumn, LEN('mytext')) <> 'mytext' | delete the whole line if 'mytext' is at the end of line |
SELECT TOP 2 * FROM mytable ORDER BY mycolumn ASC | select the beginning (fixed) begin and second lines (above), delete lines below second line |
SELECT TOP 2 * FROM mytable ORDER BY mycolumn DESC | select (fixed) end line and second from end line , delete beginning/above lines. ie: tail -100 , end 100 lines TIP:useful for selecting mytext on live log files |
SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY mycolumn) AS myrow, * FROM mytable ) X WHERE NOT myrow >=2 | select the second (fixed) lines & below , delete lines above second line |
SELECT TOP 88 * FROM (SELECT TOP (88+2) * FROM mytable ORDER BY mycolumn ASC)X ORDER BY mycolumn DESC | select fixed line, between second line to 88th line,delete before 2, after 88 ,useful in splitting up a file |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE LEN(CAST(mycolumn AS VARCHAR))>2 | select line greater than (fixed) 2 characters length (second) , delete lines smaller than 1 2 ( < less than) |
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM mytable ORDER BY LEN(CAST(mycolumn AS VARCHAR)) DESC | select the longest line |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn LIKE '%[0-9]%' | select lines with a number (range) somewhere on the line |
select lines with a number / digit (range) somewhere on the line | |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE NOT mycolumn LIKE '%[0-9]%' | delete lines with a number (range) somewhere on the line |
if a number on the line is greater than 2.0 ,select whole line. range TIP: number must be 1234 & not 1,234, must have space infront, no negative numbers & may need need to delete commas first and replace () for negative numbers | |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn > 2.0 | select line if begin column has a number/value : is greater than 2.0 |
select lines with 2 consecutive numbers | |
lines with atleast 2 consecutive numbers/digits, or more (length) | |
GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnStripNum] (@Txt varchar(100)) RETURNS varchar(100) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Res varchar(100) SET @Res = '' IF @Txt LIKE '%[0-9]%' BEGIN SELECT @Res = @Res + SUBSTRING( @Txt,N.ID,1) FROM dbo.T100 N WHERE N.ID <= LEN(@Txt) AND SUBSTRING( @Txt ,N.ID,1) LIKE '[^0-9]' END ELSE BEGIN SET @Res = @Txt END RETURN @Res END GO SELECT dbo.fnStripNum(mycolumn) from mytable --use table T100. create function only once! | delete all numbers on the line (range of characters 0-9) |
SELECT CAST( LEFT( mycolumn +'A', PATINDEX( '%[^0-9]%' ,mycolumn +'A')- 1) AS BIGINT) ,mycolumn FROM mytable | select numbers before characters , delete characters after the numbers |
select text after numbers on line | |
SELECT mycolumn FROM mytable WHERE LEN(dbo.fnStripChars(mycolumn, '^0-9'))=LEN(mycolumn) | delete lines with just numbers (lines beginning with just single integer amount) (can select the range/character set other than numeric characters) |
SELECT REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( mycolumn,'0','') ,'1', ''), '2', ''), '3', ''), '4','') ,'5' ,'') ,'6',''),'7',''),'8',''),'9','') FROM mytable | delete all numbers/digits |
delete all numbers/digits | |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn = 2.0 | if second column has a number/value : is exactly equals to 2.0 ie: column could select 10.000, 10 or 010, select whole line |
SELECT (CONVERT( decimal(15,2) ,REPLACE( REPLACE( REPLACE( mycolumn,'(','-') ,')','') ,',' ,''))) FROM mytable | convert/clean up numbers in second column so can be summed up,ie negative number (123,456) |
atleast 2 consecutive numbers/digits ie: 09 or 10 or 9999 (but not 2.5) | |
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mysecondcolumn BETWEEN 2 AND 10.1 | select lines if second column number /value is between 2.0 - 10.1 , it is greater than 2.0 and less than 10.1 |
SELECT dbo.fnStripChars(mycolumn, '0-9a-zA-Z') FROM mytable | delete all characters aswell as letters/numbers on a line , select just the punctuation characters |
SELECT * ,mysecondcolumn + mythirdcolumn AS mytotal FROM mytable | select text & insert end column - sum up/ add second & third columns |
SELECT SUM(mycolumn) FROM mytable | sum up a single column/ list of numbers ie |
SELECT mycolumn,mysecondcolumn,mysum FROM (SELECT t1.mycolumn, t1.mysecondcolumn, SUM(t2.mysecondcolumn) AS mysum FROM mytable t1 INNER JOIN mytable t2 ON t1.mycolumn >= t2.mycolumn GROUP BY t1.mycolumn, t1.mysecondcolumn) X ORDER BY mysum | cumulative sum up of second column |
SELECT SUM(mysecondcolumn) FROM mytable | sum second column |
SELECT AVG(mysecondcolumn) FROM mytable | average of second column |
SELECT MIN(mysecondcolumn) FROM mytable | line with minimum number in second column |
SELECT MAX(mysecondcolumn) FROM mytable | maximum of second column |
SELECT mycolumn,ROUND( mysecondcolumn,2) ,mythirdcolumn FROM mytable | round second column to 2 decimal places |
UPDATE mytable SET mysecondcolumn = 'mynewtext'WHERE mycolumn = 'mytext' | replace every 'mytext' with 'mysecondtext' |
SELECT REPLACE(mycolumn,'mytext','mysecondtext') FROM mytable | replace every 'mytext' with 'mysecondtext', ignore case of 'mytext' |
SELECT REPLACE(myendcolumn, 'mytext','mysecondtext') FROM mytable | if 'mytext' is at the end on the line , replace with 'mysecondtext' |
SELECT mycolumn, CASE WHEN 0= CHARINDEX('mytext', mycolumn,1) THEN mycolumn ELSE LEFT(mycolumn ,CHARINDEX('mytext' ,mycolumn,1)-1) +'mysecondtext' END AS mynewcol FROM mytable | replace everything after 'mytext' with 'mysecondtext'. replacing mytext and everything after mytext |
SELECT CASE(LTRIM(ISNULL(mycolumn,''))) WHEN '' THEN 'mytext' ELSE mycolumn END | replace blanklines with 'mytext'. insert 'mytext' TIP:may need to ensure is truly blankline |
SELECT IIF( mycolumn LIKE 'mytext%' ,'mysecondtext' + SUBSTRING( mycolumn ,LEN( 'mytext') +1 ,999), mycolumn) AS mynewcol,* FROM mytable | if begin column is 'mytext', replace with 'mysecondtext' |
UPDATE mytable SET mysecondcolumn = 'mysecondtext' WHERE (mysecondcolumn ='mytext') | if second column is 'mytext', replace with 'mysecondtext' |
SELECT *,CASE mysecondcolumn WHEN 'mytext' THEN 'myfourthtext' WHEN 'mysecondtext' THEN 'myfourthtext' ELSE '' END AS mynewcol FROM mytable | if second column is 'mytext' or 'mysecondtext' or 'mythirdtext' , replace with 'myfourthtext' |
UPDATE mytable SET mycolumn = t2.mycolumn, mysecondcolumn = t2.mysecondcolumn FROM mytable t1 INNER JOIN mysecondtable t2 ON t2.mycolumn = t1.mycolumn WHERE t2.mycolumn= 'mytext' | replace mycolunm mysecondcolumn from fields in mysecondtable if mycolumn is 'mytext' |
SELECT SUM(mythirdcolumn) ,mynewcol ,mycolumn FROM( SELECT mycolumn ,mythirdcolumn , CASE mycolumn WHEN 'mytext' THEN '1' WHEN 'mysecondtext' THEN '2' ELSE '3' END AS mynewcol FROM mytable) X GROUP BY mycolumn ,mynewcol | make new column and then sum on the new colunm |
UPDATE mytable SET mysecondcolumn = 'mysecondtext', mythirdcolumn = 'mythirdtext' WHERE (mysecondcolumn ='mytext') | if second column is 'mytext', replace second column with 'mysecondtext', third column with 'mythirdtext' |
SELECT IIF(mycolumn LIKE '%mytext',LEFT(mycolumn,LEN(mycolumn) -LEN( 'mytext'))+ 'mysecondtext', mycolumn) AS mynewcol,* FROM mytable | if end column is 'mytext', replace with 'mysecondtext' |
SELECT REPLACE(mysecondcolumn,'mytext','mysecondtext') FROM mytable | if 'mytext' is anywhere in second column, replace with 'mysecondtext' ($NF if mytext is in end column) |
SELECT *,CASE WHEN mycolumn ='mytext' THEN 'mythirdtext' WHEN mycolumn ='mysecondtext THEN 'myfourthtext' ELSE 'myothertext' END AS mynewcol FROM mytable | replace or delete or insert mytext or mysecondtext (many texts) using a list of multiple/duplicate texts in a file 'myreplacelist.txt'. ie: convert/normalise/clean text |
SELECT UCASE(mycolumn) FROM mytable | replace/convert lines to uppercase |
SELECT LCASE(mycolumn) FROM mytable | replace/convert lines to lowercase |
SELECT mycolumn,CASE WHEN mycolumn LIKE '%mytext%' THEN mycolumn ELSE CASE WHEN mycolumn LIKE '%mysecondtext%' THEN 'mythirdtext' ELSE mycolumn END END AS mynewcol FROM mytable | replace 'mysecondtext' with 'mythirdtext', but not for lines with 'mytext' |