Things you can edit begin with 'my', ie mytext, myfile
mytext mysecondtext myword myfile mylist mychar mydelimiter myspreadsheet mycommand mydatabase myextention myothertext myreplacelist mysecondchar mysecondcommand mysecondfile mytest mythirdtext myscript (file with your own saved commands that you can run again )
Keywords are :
goto go to the directory
hidden hidden files
wildcard select wildcard filenames or mytext
extention file extention, like csv / txt / pdf / db
csv spreadsheet file, columns with commas
last created file or directory in last 2 days or in last 2 minutes
days created between 2 days and 10 days
include file path, size, date, owner etc
lines section of lines
line each row/line on the file
mytext mysecondtext mythirdtext ie replace mytext with mythirdtext
column with spaces around them, or another delimiter
word whole word of characters, with no extra a-z characters before or after.
second ie select second column, sort by second column. ie working on a particular column like 5th column is always described as second column
list single column of words ie a list of multiple texts to be searched
characters on line ie fixed 45 characters length
newline punctuation character at the end of each line
greater than value , ie second column is greater than 2011
not equals
smaller than
char ie comma, tab
lower upper case replace/convert to upper case
delimiter single character, that separates each column
space single space character
punctuation chars special chars escape characters characters that are not a-z , has hidden TABs ?
how many ie how many products were sold last month
duplicate lines / words ie delete duplicate lines
occurrence begin/second/end occurrence of mytext on line or in full body of text ie 2nd occurrence of mytext on the line or in the file
multiple ie delete multiple blanks
length ie length of line smaller than 40 , select lines with words of length 8 characters
end ie select lines that end with, delete ending word, replace end column
begin ie insert at begin of line
after ie where mysecondtext is after mytext
before ie lines where mytext is before mysecondtext on the same line
above ie select all lines above mytext
below ie select all lines below mytext
between ie delete between mytext and mysecondtext
or ie select line with mytext or mysecondtext
range [A-Z] one of these characters, or , letters/characters
sort ie sort text or sort by particular column or reverse the order of lines
diff ie difference 2 files
length length of line or word , ie select lines with words of length 12
fixed ie select fixed number of lines, columns, character - absolute (not recommended)
command muppix command, ie cut/paste the text before '##'
colour color change colour of the terminal, highlight mytext etc
sound bell ? ie in a batch file, so know when its done
include include in the results extra information such as filename, date, path, filename size, etc
paragraph (not used much)
script advanced: file with your own commands, chained together, but can re-use and pass different data into it , for processing
loop advanced muppix: run commands by going through through a list
convert ie change structure of text to list of words
TIP: Handy tip
*** our preferred command, not because of its speed, but its the most comprehensive
goto go to the directory
hidden hidden files
wildcard select wildcard filenames or mytext
extention file extention, like csv / txt / pdf / db
csv spreadsheet file, columns with commas
last created file or directory in last 2 days or in last 2 minutes
days created between 2 days and 10 days
include file path, size, date, owner etc
lines section of lines
line each row/line on the file
mytext mysecondtext mythirdtext ie replace mytext with mythirdtext
column with spaces around them, or another delimiter
word whole word of characters, with no extra a-z characters before or after.
second ie select second column, sort by second column. ie working on a particular column like 5th column is always described as second column
list single column of words ie a list of multiple texts to be searched
characters on line ie fixed 45 characters length
newline punctuation character at the end of each line
greater than value , ie second column is greater than 2011
not equals
smaller than
char ie comma, tab
lower upper case replace/convert to upper case
delimiter single character, that separates each column
space single space character
punctuation chars special chars escape characters characters that are not a-z , has hidden TABs ?
how many ie how many products were sold last month
duplicate lines / words ie delete duplicate lines
occurrence begin/second/end occurrence of mytext on line or in full body of text ie 2nd occurrence of mytext on the line or in the file
multiple ie delete multiple blanks
length ie length of line smaller than 40 , select lines with words of length 8 characters
end ie select lines that end with, delete ending word, replace end column
begin ie insert at begin of line
after ie where mysecondtext is after mytext
before ie lines where mytext is before mysecondtext on the same line
above ie select all lines above mytext
below ie select all lines below mytext
between ie delete between mytext and mysecondtext
or ie select line with mytext or mysecondtext
range [A-Z] one of these characters, or , letters/characters
sort ie sort text or sort by particular column or reverse the order of lines
diff ie difference 2 files
length length of line or word , ie select lines with words of length 12
fixed ie select fixed number of lines, columns, character - absolute (not recommended)
command muppix command, ie cut/paste the text before '##'
colour color change colour of the terminal, highlight mytext etc
sound bell ? ie in a batch file, so know when its done
include include in the results extra information such as filename, date, path, filename size, etc
paragraph (not used much)
script advanced: file with your own commands, chained together, but can re-use and pass different data into it , for processing
loop advanced muppix: run commands by going through through a list
convert ie change structure of text to list of words
TIP: Handy tip
*** our preferred command, not because of its speed, but its the most comprehensive