The Muppix Team have developed over 1300 proven commands using industry-strength Linux / Unix and can be used on any Windows PC, Apple, Linux, or Solaris. The commands are very fast and can be used on truly massive data-sets, They have been chosen for their comprehensiveness.
To use the Muppix commands you first need a Linux/Unix window/terminal. For Apple , the Linux terminal is already built-in (Launchpad, Terminal) For Ubuntu, launch Utilities, Terminal For Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7, 8, 10 download the free Linux terminal screen from either 1) Redhat's and click below Current Cygwin DLL Version click on setup. We prefer Cygwin because it is very robust, comprehensive and the defacto Linux terminal for Windows. It runs all of Muppix commands 2) Boot - up using Knoppix from a USB stick. Knoppix is a complete Linux version & essential in fixing any broken PC. It runs all of Muppix commands 3) PortableApps Cygwin and select Download Cygwin 1.7.32 Development Test 1 - 32bit This version of Cygwin does most of what Muppix needs, but can run directly off a USB stick, without needing to install the software. 32bit will run on all PCs. 4) Portable MobaXterm also run directly from a USB stick. MobaXterm will open a Linux Terminal without installing any software. It has an easier interface, but some of the more unusual Unix command wont work. These options just opens a Terminal/DOS screen, so that you can run the Linux/Muppix commands . It does NOT convert your PC to Linux. Also please note: Muppix does not contain commands that will make any system changes or cause damage to your PC. The Free Muppix Toolkit contains these documents: ![]() * Comprehensive list of Linux one-liner commands, each with a keyword description
* Sandbox, with example files in different formats, hidden directory, files with no extention - a safe environment to test your commands for completeness * ReferenceCard spreadsheet for quick overview of Muppix toolkit in Linux , SQL & Excel commands * Muppix commands (muppix.txt) * Glossary & Terminology (glossary.txt) * Templates to help break-down your data-mining task * SQL commands (sqlmuppix.txt) * Keyword Tool Spreadsheet, run Muppix Keywords on your unstructured text, to see the impact of the each Keyword (essential keywords) * Basic navigation commands and tips to get you going in a terminial screen (basic.txt) * Main Muppix document, describing the end-to-end process & more advanced sections covering * Exercises to practice * SQL Table Import tool to easily import any table * SQL Analysis, analyse SQL code * Excel comparrison sheet, to compare Excel sheets ![]() - Researching - generating your own list of most important keywords from a Research Subject
- Looping - Pattern Recognition ie the Address Pattern, the Product/List Pattern, Server Logs Pattern - Advanced techniques to change the Structure of the results - Generate Spreadsheets from raw data - Normailising other document file types such as PDF & XML - Storing your own commands in a Script/Batch files for future re-use * Muppix Keywords spreadsheet where you can paste your own text and experiment with the effects of different keywords on the text. The KeyWord Spreadsheet Tool also available in this link and see how the keywords impact your text ![]() Get he latest free Muppix Toolkit version 3.3 , now with Linux, SQL & Excel commands, released Jul 2017 Extract the file , creating the muppix directory and in the Muppix website follow the example in the section Get Started of the website. Capture the data, however large. Pull up a terminal & get a little familiar with the commands in the Basic Navigation & the Glossary. Take a look at the Templates. Sign up for the next free Muppix Taster Course in Bosch en Duin, Holland |