Purpose is to delete unwanted text, change the structure into its final shape. Occasionally it requires the use of a Pattern listed below.
Template: Delete unwanted text Delete lines my mytext at beginning, end Delete everything after/before mytext Delete line with mytext in a certain columns Delete certain columns Delete Duplicate lines Delete Blank Lines Template: Clean-up data to make it consistent or to line it up to change its structure Replace mytext with mysecondtext Select mytext, then on rest of line replace mysecondtext with mythirdtext Insert mytext Template: Whip into shape - Change structure Purpose: you now have the essential information on lines, but it needs to be cleaned up or its in the wrong shape and needs to be turned into a long list, or a table for a spreadsheet, or stripped off duplicates, etc. Split lines based on mytext (ie keep the text after or before mytext) Left Align, Right Align Select certain columns, delete others Sort, sort by a certain column(s) Special structures: Convert Table into Spreadsheet (CSV) Address Pattern Product List Pattern Occurence - Pivot Table Thesaurus - research words that often occur near mytext & continue searching & build up a list of keywords based on your original mytext Log file tips WebSite text into a table Paragraph , select 1st line of paragraph, delete last line of paragraph |